It's Okay to Ask for Help~

Mental and emotional health are words that are used interchangeably. However, they have separate meanings. The simplest way to explain them is this...
- mental health is your
- emotional health is your
Imagine your mental health is the ocean, and your emotional health are the waves.

For many, talking about our mental health needs has such a stigma attached to it.

Somewhere within our family systems, culture and belief systems, we have learned that we “should” be able to handle this, “never” tell people your problems, or you are “weak” if you can’t figure this out on your own.

I often share with clients that we function as a whole. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. They all work together . When one is off, it presents as stress, anxiety, depression, health issues, etc. It is “normal” to get a yearly physical, and preventative check ups are encouraged for women and men. Exercise is always suggested to care for our physical bodies.

So then why not view mental health “check-ups & preventative care” as normal? Our mental and emotional health are the drivers of our daily lives. The amount of information we take in and process dictates the choices we make,and the thoughts we entertain. Do you remember taking an “emotional wellness” class in school? Yah, me neither.

Mental health isn’t just going to therapy telling someone your problems. It’s so much more.

How do your take care of your ocean?

How do you handle the size of your waves?

What’s holding you back from that mental health check up?


Don’t wake the beast~


Love yourself first…